Protesting Winter With Watermelons

It was -10 degrees. The image of 3 feet of white snow outside my window danced across my eyes, trying to deceive me with its sparkle. But I was too smart to fall into its trap.


The bitter chill made me shiver excitedly for spring and bundle up in my soft flannel blanket. Mom, insanely, expected me to get up and do schoolwork. My sister and I protested and instead read Magician’s Nephew without taking our warm toes out of our aligned beds.


As Kayla and I read aloud about Uncle Andrew’s horrid plans to abandon Polly in the unknown world, I decided my warm world of flannel and fleece was too wonderful to leave. But I also planned that this Narnia-like day was a perfect one for finally posting a cheery, warm blog I wrote last fall.


Guess what I have? A doll-sized watermelon! My sister’s garden stored mini watermelon, which she decided to pick before the ground froze.


Here is farmer Emily in the corn patch; I thought the picture was cute. 🙂


And the watermelon was the perfect size for an American Girl doll.

I cut one. It was the light green color of immaturity all the way through. It tasted like the green part of a watermelon piece that you try not to eat. My grandma was visiting and thought I was weird, exclaiming “You’re gonna eat that, girl?” I love my nana, she’s great. 🙂


I hope this reminded you of how glorious summer is. Soon, this snow will be gone and we’ll be able to relax on the sand by the lake. (Maybe then I’ll post my blog of Emily in her first New England snow.) 🙂

Talk to ya’ll soon,

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Me and Hayley’s doll

Hi everyone!

(Hayley told me I had to say that.)

My name is Bixby; I’m Hayley’s puppy. I am a two-year old, black Labradoodle. I really love to be hugged and petted. Oh and Hayley says I’m a good writer. I think that is what I want to be when I grow up!


So I want to tell you a story of Hayley’s doll, Emily, and me. After Hayley’s family rescued me, I discovered she kept creepy mini humans (she calls them american dolls or something), and her mommy seemed totally fine with it! Well I’m warming up to them, so they’re not so creepy anymore. (It helped that they gave me treats from their tiny hands.) So here is my story:

I was sitting on the step, just chillin’ in the sun and lettin’ my hair blow. Thinkin’ about the smell of Hayley’s lunch today, I was hoping I’d get a few leftovers with my dinner. Then… Hayley came out with her American Doll, or whatever it is, and her camera. (That’s what she calls that black box with a strap that makes a click noise when she points it at me and clicks a button.) I thought she was going to pet me, but instead she set her doll down against me and snapped a lot of pictures.


For the first one she took, I was upset at Hayley for not petting me so I was ignoring her…


But I couldn’t stand not paying attention to Emily, because she smelled like cupcakes!


I was trying to figure out what she had gotten into, and guess what I found?! There was a trace of orange cake with chocolate icing on her shoulder!


THEN the wierd elf-like human was moving! I nearly had a heart attack! But I noticed pretty quickly she was just falling, I kinda… forgot she wasn’t alive….


Then, with a kiss, I told Hayley I was sorry for ruining her pictures and ignoring her. 🙂 She loves me…….

I hope you guys liked my writing. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Hayley just taught me how to do that smile, so I had to do a lot.

Thank you Hayley for letting me post on your site. 🙂 Bye 🙂


Swap with Rebekah!

Hi everyone!

A couple of weeks ago Rebekah, from AmericanGirlGuide, visited and we did an AG swap! I’m going to show you what she made for me, and you can check out her blog to see what I swapped with her. Here are the AWESOME things she gave me!


#1 is this tiny lemonhead  box.

She filled it with beads to make it sound like there is candy in it, and it really sounds like there is!


#2 is a globe. It is not round, but it is really cute!


#3 is an adorable, red scrunchy. It fits perfectly!


#4 is a blue picture frame that says “confident” in it twice and has a quote in the middle.

This looks great in my doll’s room!


#5 is this super duper cute fun-and-games, doll-sized book. There are actually games inside like tic-tac-toe, crossword puzzles, and some other things. She got it in a 4th of July parade!


#6 is a charming pencil bag that Rebekah made! And she put stuff inside! Yay!



The things inside are a doll-sized eraser, a ruler, a paintbrush, and a pencil. She made the paintbrush with a toothpick and yarn. For the pencil, she used a Sharpie to turn a toothpick into a mini Ticonderoga. She printed the ruler.


#7 the next to last thing is this really cute Macbook. She made it and is on the screen! One more thing about this laptop is……..


A macbook sticker and a really cool design! Thank you Rebekah for making this for me!!


The last thing is the big one that she made for me a while ago, and I explained it could be part of the swap (even though she gave it to me a while ago). It is a pink couch with a matching pillow! I love it so much, and so do my dolls!

Don’t forget to check out the things that I made her by clicking right *HERE* While your at her blog you might-as-well follow her! Right? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post, and make sure to come back for more collaborative sort of blogs with me and Rebekah!

Hayley Name Tag

P.S. Do you like my signature?

P.P.S. Make sure to look at Rebekah’s blog!!!

P.P.S. I will be posting this again, because I forgot two things she gave me Oops!


Hi, my name is Hayley.

I’m 11 years old. Some other things about me are that I am the youngest of 4 girls and have two dogs. And i’m the biggest fan of American Girl Dolls. I got my first doll when I was 4, Molly. And then the next year I got Emily, her best friend. I wasn’t really into dolls that much until about 2 years ago. I started watching doll videos and I was obsessed. Then I had the idea of making my closet into my doll house and I play every day with it. And it keeps getting bigger and bigger. And last christmas I received Julie and the Our Generation kitchen set! Oh and before that I went the the AG place with my BFFL (Best.Friend.For.Life.) It was so awesome. My mom always was telling me, “Stop playing dolls and do your school.” Since I am homeschooled I could play dolls in the middle of the day. But my mom wanted me to do school, not play dolls.

Since there are not many sites that do that, I wanted to make this site to teach girls how to make cool things for their dolls, with pictures or sometimes videos.  I have wanted to do this for a long time and now I finally am! I hope you enjoy my site and have fun with your dolls as much as I did and still do.

Hayley Name Tag