Protesting Winter With Watermelons

It was -10 degrees. The image of 3 feet of white snow outside my window danced across my eyes, trying to deceive me with its sparkle. But I was too smart to fall into its trap.


The bitter chill made me shiver excitedly for spring and bundle up in my soft flannel blanket. Mom, insanely, expected me to get up and do schoolwork. My sister and I protested and instead read Magician’s Nephew without taking our warm toes out of our aligned beds.


As Kayla and I read aloud about Uncle Andrew’s horrid plans to abandon Polly in the unknown world, I decided my warm world of flannel and fleece was too wonderful to leave. But I also planned that this Narnia-like day was a perfect one for finally posting a cheery, warm blog I wrote last fall.


Guess what I have? A doll-sized watermelon! My sister’s garden stored mini watermelon, which she decided to pick before the ground froze.


Here is farmer Emily in the corn patch; I thought the picture was cute. 🙂


And the watermelon was the perfect size for an American Girl doll.

I cut one. It was the light green color of immaturity all the way through. It tasted like the green part of a watermelon piece that you try not to eat. My grandma was visiting and thought I was weird, exclaiming “You’re gonna eat that, girl?” I love my nana, she’s great. 🙂


I hope this reminded you of how glorious summer is. Soon, this snow will be gone and we’ll be able to relax on the sand by the lake. (Maybe then I’ll post my blog of Emily in her first New England snow.) 🙂

Talk to ya’ll soon,

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