What we do matters.

Hi everyone!
I have been wanting to post and haven’t had enough motivation to do a DIY. So, I decided to show you guys some pictures I took of Emily last week. I know, it is a boring post but I’m going to do a DIY soon! (That’s exciting, right?)


I love these boots with the skirt Emily was wearing.


I really like this one! I can’t really explain why. 🙂


This one I took right before she fell…


It was funny how Emily’s imprint stayed in the snow after she fell off the tire swing.


I love the silent solitude of a snowy day.


One thing I did not tell you is that these pictures are taken with my new camera! (Thank you Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop!)

I’m still thinking about how Emily’s imprint stayed under my tire swing for days. It made me think about how we can leave an imprint on people’s lives. What we do, and how we act, matters. What imprint did you leave on someone’s life today?

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p.s. What was your favorite picture from today’s post?